About "University of Wah-FM 101.8"
“University of Wah-FM 101.8” is a non-commercial short range educational FM Radio Station established by University of Wah to provide audio services to Wah and adjoining areas including Taxila, Hassan Abdal and Hattar. “University of Wah-FM 101.8” relays program contents related to education, professional and social skills needed for youth and community development. The programs are devised in a manner that students and community can extract maximum benefit. Radio Station invites professionals and experts as resource persons, from different areas of specialization to deliver live and recorded lectures on various educational topics.
The “University of Wah- FM 101.8” is dedicated to provide a forum to build hope, patriotism, and nationalism among all its audiences, including, students, teachers, parents, and general public. Radio Station airs religious programs to revive and instill the Islamic values in our day to day conduct. It also serves as a platform for coverage of UW and POF major events and announcements.
The transmission link of “University of Wah-FM 101.8” is available on UW official website, “uow.edu.pk”, as well as University’s Facebook page. UW FM Radio can also be accessed via an Android application “University of Wah-FM 101.8” which will soon be available on Play Store.
Test transmissions of UW Radio commenced on 14 August 2018. Formal inauguration was done by Chairman Board of Governors UW / Pakistan Ordinance Factories Board, Lt. General Sadiq Ali HI (M) on 28 August 2018. We wish and foresee a promising future of our Radio both in its own growth and those who get benefitted from its services.

News Alerts
Transmissions on UW Radio Station FM 101.8 will be aired from 08:15 am to 9:00 pm on Monday through Friday.
University of Wah Campus Radio FM 101.8 is seeking to identify the radio hosts (RJs) for regional language programs (Punjabi, Sindhi, Pushto, Balochi, Kashmiri, Saraiki).